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- Collection13
- Digitized Documents1
- Finding Aid1693
- Finding Aid...
- Help Guides 1
- The Alex Josey Private Papers - Item Lists 146
- The David Marshall Private Papers - Item Lists 406
- The George William Skinner Private Papers - Item Lists 27
- The Gerald De Cruz Private Papers - Item Lists 185
- The J.P. Hannah Private Papers - Item Lists 133
- The K.G.P. Tregonning Private Papers - Item Lists 19
- The Lee Hau Shik (H. S. Lee) Private Papers - Item Lists 183
- The Lim Swee Aun Private Papers - Item Lists 100
- The Ronald D. Hill Image Collection - Item Lists 71
- The S. Rajaratnam Private Papers - Item Lists 270
- The Tan Cheng Lock Private Papers - Item Lists 54
- The Wang Gungwu Private Papers - Item Lists 8
- The Wong Pow Nee Private Papers - Item Lists 10
- The Wong Siew Qui Private Papers - Item Lists 22
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- Finding Aid...
- Folio (Images)5
- Folios18
- Form & Instruction3
- Images9622
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- Born Digital 4337
- Microfilm 25
- Negative 1669
- Photograph 468
- Slide 3080
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- Argentina 11
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- Belgium 24
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- United States of America 43
- Vanuatu 28
- Vietnam 156
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- ISEAS Publications11
- ISEAS Signature Events2
- Oral History Collection1
- Oral History Interviewee32
- Oral History Projects3
- Pantun Collection8549
- Private Papers19
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- Alex Josey 1
- David Marshall 1
- George William Skinner 1
- Gerald De Cruz 1
- Ismail Abdul Rahman 1
- J.P. Hannah 1
- K. G. P. Tregonning 1
- Lee Hau Shik 1
- Lim Phaik Gan 1
- Lim Swee Aun 1
- Loke Wan Tho 1
- Ronald D. Hill 1
- S. Q. Wong 1
- S. Rajaratnam 1
- Tan Cheng Lock 1
- Tan Chin Tuan 1
- Tommy Koh 1
- Wang Gungwu 1
- Wong Pow Nee 1
- Wong Siew Qui 1
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- Publication3793
- Antiquarian Books...
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- Sarsikyo Ribbons190
- SEACC Image Collection10
- Video128
- Year of Recording33
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- OCR 17930
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