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Image Nos: (from left to right) FM_TH0112, FM_MY0015 & FM_IN0025 from the Frederic Mason CollectionImage Nos: (from left to right) 2, 90 & 87 from the Elisabeth Locard CollectionImage No: GF_004000 from the Gregory Forth CollectionImage Nos: (left to right) DH03515, DH03514 & DH03519 from the David Hughes CollectionImage Nos: (from left to right) KCS_068, KCS_069 & KCS_067 from the Kee Chun Studio CollectionImage No: BA009197 from the Barbara Anello Collection


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RH_048_001_0025 - Japan, 1980DP75_15 - A snapshot of women carrying floral decorations on their heads in a procession, Siem Reap, CambodiaDP233_7 - A photograph of a plate from a bookDP41_30 - A view of partially flooded rice fields.Danau Toba_160706_DSCN0161_2RH_028_002_0020 - TrengganuRH_054_003_0027 - UntitledBatak_221211_IMG_7802RH_054_003_0005 - UntitledDP123_05 - Lumbanjulu, Toba, Sumatra, IndonesiaBatak_261211_IMG_8747DP31_21 - A close-up of a Buddhist monk seated on a chair.Taj Green Cove_05dec05_IMG_3661230106_sri lanka_011SS004270RH_021_001_0001 - UntitledDP123_25 - Lumbanjulu, Toba, Sumatra, IndonesiaRH_042_004_0034 - UntitledMW_C3E_0010 - No captions available  Badung_270712_IMG_0312RH_065_001_0007 - Miscellaneous Prints, Singapore & Johor (Mostly)RH_019_001_0011 - Rural BaliKarangasem_190714_IMG_0319RH_031_001_0015 - Tai Mo Shan Sept 1989RH_035_032_0001 - Kinabalu ExpeditionKarangasem_190714_IMG_0602India Trip_050708_DSC_0376FM_VT0004 - School children at sea.NAG 012_22550RH_060_001_0009 - Mentelong - PahangBhutan_220312_IMG_2928DP30_38 - A close-up of a Thai woman and girl.taj west end_01dec03_DSCN0068Badung_270711_IMG_6831DP19_10 - A view of Nam Kong River, Luang Prabang, Laos.Aust_10aug02_DSCN5140RH_042_003_0003 - UntitledItaly_200705_IMG_7902Nusa Penida_131214_IMG_0096RH_009_017_0009 - BaliMengwi_091212_DSC_0093RH_037_001_0028 - UntitledVietnam diary_04nov03_DSCN2681RH_065_001_0003 - Miscellaneous Prints, Singapore & Johor (Mostly)angkor_Preah Poan_level_IMG_3913Vizhak_240406_DSCN2584Danau Toba_160706_IMG_4165DP101_18 - A view of Spean Thma, Angkor, CambodiaPondicherry_230212_IMG_1378Batak_231211_IMG_8100

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