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Image Nos: (from left to right) FM_TH0112, FM_MY0015 & FM_IN0025 from the Frederic Mason CollectionImage Nos: (from left to right) 2, 90 & 87 from the Elisabeth Locard CollectionImage No: GF_004000 from the Gregory Forth CollectionImage Nos: (left to right) DH03515, DH03514 & DH03519 from the David Hughes CollectionImage Nos: (from left to right) KCS_068, KCS_069 & KCS_067 from the Kee Chun Studio CollectionImage No: BA009197 from the Barbara Anello Collection


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DP26_02 - A bird's eye view of fishing.Badung_270712_IMG_0330RH_049_001_0030 - Japan, 1980RH_030_001_0019 - MersingFM_EMY0062 - Stepping off the ferry.DP17_23 - A view of the giant kapok trees (?) in the grounds of Ta Prohm, Angkor, Cambodia.FC001930 - Karo BatakNAG 019_22557RH_054_002_0016 - UntitledDP97_08 - A detail of a lintel at Banteay Srei, Angkor, CambodiaPondicherry_230212_IMG_1327Pura_05jul04_DSCN0041Karangasem_190714_IMG_0616MemorialServices_09Nov16_IMG_2710DP108_04 - A close-up of lumbung (rice barn) in a village in Bajawa, Flores, IndonesiaFiji_160904_DSCN0099DP116_29 - A view of a house, Gunungsitoli, Nias, Indonesia.Batak_271211_IMG_9288Batak_211211_IMG_7524DP131_10 - A close up of a house, Purba Tonga, Simalungun, Sumatra, IndonesiaDP74_26 - A close-up of a devata, Angkor Wat, Angkor, CambodiaDP96_18 - A close-up of a devata in the central sanctuary, Bayon, Angkor, Cambodia.RH_042_003_0024 - UntitledDP121_10 - A view of a huta (Toba-Batak village) near Balige, Sumatra, IndonesiaDP38_05 - A rear view of a Hmong woman with a baby on her backRH_006_001_0009 - Guizhou 1990 AgricultureRH_028_003_0021 - Air photosDP111_18 - A view of a tomb/grave (?) near houses, Wolotopo, Flores, IndonesiaRH_013_001_0013 - MapsDanau Toba_160706_IMG_4207Pulau Nias_030716_IMG_6660Nagaland_111215_IMG_6065DP30_27 - A snapshot of men, women and children holding birdcagesMemorialServices_09Nov16_IMG_2872DP125_08 - Snapshots of islanders, Sipora, Mentawai, Sumatra, IndonesiaRH_019_001_0021 - Rural BaliDP116_30 - A view of the roof underside of a house, Gunungsitoli, Nias, Indonesia.Blitar_291211_DSC_0190Malaysia_07sep03_DSCN0061DP229_30 - Close-ups of mats woven in Terengganu, MalaysiaNAG 022_21698CN000354 - Women in sandang lepas.Palembang_161214_IMG_0450RH_051_001_0030 - Singapore AerialsMemorialServices_09Nov16_IMG_2849Bangli_250701_DSCN3267.TIFRH_010_031_0001 - SingaporeRH_043_001_0010 - Philippines, Feb 1980NAG 020_21631angkor_wat_south_east_third enclosure_IMG_3013

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