The ISEAS Economics Working Paper Series is an online publication produced by researchers and associates. These papers are work-in-progress and are disseminated to generate feedback for subsequent publication in peer-reviewed outlets. Oriented at both researchers and policy-makers, the Series seeks to share ongoing research that is relevant and rigorous.
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EWP 2014/01 - The Exporting and Productivity Nexus: Does Firm Size Matter?
EWP 2014/02 - The Evolution of the Electronics Industry in the SIJORI Cross-Border Region
EWP 2014/03 - The Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership: New Paradigm or Old Wine in a New Bottle?
EWP 2015/01 - AEC Vision Post-2015: Is an ASEAN Customs Union Feasible?
EWP 2015/02 - (De)centralization and the Missing Middle in Indonesia and Malaysia
EWP 2015/03 - Malaysia’s Protracted Affirmative Action Policy and the Evolving Bumiputera Commercial and Industrial Community
EWP 2015/04 - What Lies Ahead for Malaysian Healthcare?
EWP 2016/01 - A Review of the Recent Literature on the Institutional Economics Analysis of the Long-Run Performance of Nations
EWP 2016/02 - Determinants of Singapore’s Outward FDI
EWP 2016/03 - Reassessing Malaysia’s Export Opportunities in the TPP
EWP 2016/04 - The Impact of Local Content Requirements on the Indonesian Manufacturing Industry
EWP 2016/05 - Evolving Paradigms in Regional Development in Malaysia
EWP 2017/01 - Labour Provisions in Trade Agreements with Developing Economies: The Case of TPPA and ASEAN Member Countries
EWP 2017/02 - The Investment Chapter and ISDS in the TPP: Lessons from Southeast Asia
EWP 2017/03 - Should Thailand Join the TPP?
EWP 2017/04 - Impact of TPP-11 on Japanese Manufacturing Affiliates in ASEAN
EWP 2017/05 - Dynamics of Ride Sharing Competition
EWP 2017/06 - The TPP: Truths about Power Politics
EWP 2017/07 - Mind the Gap: Explaining Implementation Shortfalls in the ASEAN Economic Community
EWP 2017/08 - The Trans-Pacific Partnership: Origin, Evolution, Special Features, and Economic Implications
EWP 2017/09 - Industry Dynamics in Growth Triangles: The E&E Industry in SIJORI 25 Years On
EWP 2018/01 - Services Liberalization and Export Quality: Evidence from China
EWP 2018/02 - Territorial Complementarities and Competition for Oil and Gas FDI in the SIJORI Growth Triangle